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Payment Methods


Credit/Debit Cards

istand store mastercard credit debit card payment method
istand store visa credit debit card payment method
istand store unionpay credit debit card payment method

Mastercard, VISA, UnionPay Credit & Debit cards and etc are all accepted

HitPay istandstore payment method gateway
istand store apple pay method
istand store grabpay payment method
istand store mastercard credit debit card payment method
istand store visa credit debit card payment method
istand store unionpay credit debit card payment method
istand store fpx online banking payment method
istand store maybank2u payment method
istand store cimb clicks payment method
istand store pbe public bank payment method

NEW- FPX online banking payments gateway (Maybank2u, CimbClicks, Pbe & more)
NEW- Apple pay, much easier & effortless & convenient
NEW- Grabpay e-wallet, faster & easier way to pay

istand store manual payment direct transfer online

Manual payment

If you feel like direct transfer/bank in to us would be more convenient without having to

go through Cards/FPX payment gateway,

Kindly transfer to the banks below and after you've made your transfer & checkout your order,

do remember to whatsapp or email us the receipt along with your order number :)


Name: Leong Zu Hao

No: 5084-3011-2284




No: 8009-3032-81


Public Bank

Name: Leong Zu Hao

No: 6389-6985-34

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